Sunday, September 16, 2007

My Sweet Friend Choomie Bruck Wrote This...

we know .......
there are dozens of us but we're scattered ,we were naive and fragile in a world we were never allowed to see so it stands to reason when the culture shock wares off there is alot of rebuilding of the spiritof the soul of the body and with words of hatred burned into our very flesh into the grooves of our brain the fucking shit we were forced to believe for too long.

so now we are forced to live, despite we want to live because but we can't we want to live deliberately with passion with the same happiness with freedom from haunting thoughts and physically repulsive memories of voices saying you can't and you never will .

well we did we came this far but it's beginning to crumble, maybe we've held it together with the wrong adhesive maybe all we created was a tent and the wind is blowing too hard maybe our makeshift lives are just becoming to burdensome and we're all falling apart .

whatever the reason i'm not ready to let my home be torn down not even by a hurricane so fuck all you tormenters and autonomy killers and childhood dream takers and self esteem crushers and life sucking pathetic self haters so inadequate you wastes of sperm your evil fingers should be cut off your tongues ripped out .

you should be slamming yourself in front of trains ,you should be overdosing, throwing yourself off buildings, being shot in your basement, we're waking up now we're strong now we've endured enough now and we are uniting watch out you little weazels you have no idea you're about to keep whitnessing that shit being fucked up right in front of your inanimate, perverted pathetic little world and you'll know it but we won't have to do a thing......
you're already doing it to yourselves!!!!!

By Choomie Bruck....My awsome sweet friend.